Sunday, September 20, 2015

95 More Days to Christmas!

Happy Sunday everyone!

Great title for my post, huh?  We are within the 100 Days of Holidays, if you follow the Better Homes and Gardens newsletters and it's time to start seriously thinking about the holidays.  Halloween is always the 31st of October, Thanksgiving is always the 4th Thursday of November and Christmas is always the 25th of December.

It's not too early to start making your homemade Christmas cards, if you like to do that sort of thing.  A handmade greeting card show the recipient that you care.  You took the time to create something (if even if you copy it from Pinterest), it shows you care and you will bring a smile to the face of the recipient.

Making handmade greeting cards does not have to be fancy.  A simple sticker with a hand stamped 'Merry Christmas' is all you really need.  Speaking of stickers, check out some of the Christmas stickers I have available at Christmas Stickers.

I'll post a simple card I made later this week - it literally took me a few minutes to create.  In the meantime, it's Sunday - enjoy your day and happy scrapping!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Scrapbooking Supplies Availalble....Slowly but Surely!

It's been way too long since I posted, and I have lost my way and floated around for awhile, but I always seem to come back to scrapbooking.  I love it and feel it's an important part of our lives.  Maybe you don't like to scrapbook - that's fine.  Recording memories are so important for future generations.  And that is what I am passionate about - recording your memories.

Before I get into a rant about that topic, and it is definitely a topic for another post, I want to let everyone know that I am building both my Etsy store and Ebay auction list with scrapbooking supplies.  I'm not sure which one I will keep - maybe both - but for now, you can score some Christmas stickers and stamps by visiting one of 2 sites:

My Etsy shop:
Scrapsupplies Shop

My Ebay auctions:
My E-Bay sales

I appreciate your support and stay tuned for more posts, new supplies, new scrapbooking pre-made items and general stuff about my scrappy life!


Helping You Create Meaningful Memories