I know, I know - New Years' resolution time! How many times do we fall off the wagon with this one - lose weight, get organized, blah, blah, blah.
Well, 2009 has to be different. I would like to challenge everyone to list 12 goals (one per month) and keep each other accountable throughout the year. Support is what helps us get through hurdles in our lives.
Here are my Top 12 Goals for 2009:
1. File my piles - I am a pile guru - and it creates clutter and chaos. The first step in the road to recovery is to file my piles. By the time the end of Jan. roles around, I should be in the habit & maybe not have any more piles to file.
2. 'Green' scrapbooking - continue to source ways to reduce, reuse & recycle in my scrapbooking and products that I am selling. Keep checking the blog for my tips.
3. Organization - once my piles are filed, I have to continue to find ways to organize my products and 'stuff'. Right now I can honestly say that I really don't know what the heck I have or don't have! Pretty scary!
4. Re-do the room - my hubby and I share a work space, so we are going to have a craft/office makeover in 2009! Stay tuned for that one.
5. Clean up as I go - this is another hard one for me & dates back to when I was a child. I think I am missing that gene from my family pool of organization.
6. Finish! - I have a few projects that aren't done - need to complete them and get them where they need to go.
7. Learn to sew - Hubby bought me a great sewing machine for my b-day and the poor thing is collecting dust. I will learn how to sew this year & how to incorporate it into my scrapping.
8. Monthly get togethers - I am phasing out my monthly crops as they weren't making me money nor was I accomplishing any of my projects, etc. Instead, I will host a monthly scrapbooking crop at my house for my friends. Wine, cheese, laughs & accomplishments are in order!
9. Continue heritage scrapping - I am making albums for my siblings & want to get my hands on the family photos to preserve them for the next generation.
10. Simple scrapping - everything doesn't have to be a work of art. Make some easy pages that are quick.
11. Monthly cards - on the first of each month, I want to make the birthday cards that correspond to birthdays & holidays of that month.
12. Holiday gifts - start working on those each month leading up to December so I'm not stressed out during December.
Wow - 12 goals - and you better bet I'm going to do it. But, I need your help! Stay with me and make some comments below. I want to know what your 12 scrapping resolutions are and help each other through them.