Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Should You Create a One Page or Two Page Layout?

When looking at your photos, the first thing you must decide is whether you want to create a one-page or two-page layout. A layout is simply another name for a page or set of pages.  
Some scrapbookers only create one-page layouts, and some scrapbookers only create two-page layouts. Some scrapbookers mix and match, depending on the occasion and number of photos. What's the difference? It's really up to you.  

Create One-Page Layouts if you...
  • don't take, or have, too many photos
  • like to use very few embellishments
  • want to get your pages done faster
  • like the look of having 2 pages that are completely different

Create Two-Page Layouts if you...
  • take LOTS of pictures (like me)
  • like to do a lot of journaling
  • want more space to do some creative embellishing
  • like to have two side-by-side pages that match 

I'm sure there are many more reasons why you would choose one style over another. You should experiment and see what you like better. If you know that you're a snap-happy photographer like me, you should definitely consider the two-page layouts.

So the choice is really up to you. You can mix and match one-page and two-page layouts, and once you feel comfortable, you can even do 4-page layouts, which are called Panoramic layouts. 

Monday, December 28, 2015

Photo Tips

I will confess that I am not a great photographer, so I try to read about it to learn more, and I thought I would share what I learn.

I found a really cool article in an old edition of Memory Makers Magazine (remember that one?  I still have copies in my house!) Many of you, like me, don't have kids but we have the either the  feathered friend or fin kind.  So, how do you take pictures of your favorite fish or fine feathered friend?

Take advantage of these pointers when photographing pet birds or fish:

  • Take your pet out of his cage or tank.  Photograph him in your (or someone else's) hand to capture a sense of size & texture.  Consider setting the pet loose in the room.  
  • When photographing fish, turn off your flash and rely on the aquarium lights. If you must use your flash, angle your camera 60 degrees to avoid glare. Pan your fish’s motion or wait for the fish to swim by and then snap the shot.
  • Place brightly colored birds against neutral settings so that they won’t blend into the background.
And for photographing your furry, four-legged pal, offers these suggestions:
  • Photographing a dog or cat adds a whole new set of variables to the equation.  Unlike human subjects, most animals are not as easily posed or patient so it might be a little trickier to get the purrfect shot.  Keep your camera near because you never know when the ideal opportunity will present itself.  There are also a few things you as a photographer can do to increase your odds for success.  If at all possible, photograph your pet in familiar surroundings.  This will help put the animal at ease and you will have a much better chance at obtaining a natural pose.
Also, minimize the distractions - Feed your pet ahead of time.  If your dog is really hungry or there are strangers and/or animals around, it might become preoccupied.   As always, lighting & proximity are very important.  If yours is an indoor pet, try to take advantage of adequate window lighting.  Flashbulbs are not recommended!   

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

16 Tips to Photograph Christmas Morning

It's here!!!!!  The day after next you will wake up to Christmas morning!  The paper will get torn off the presents and sit in heaps around your living room while your family oohhs and aahhs over their gifts.  You quickly move onto breakfast and next thing you know, lunch and/or dinner were served and the day is over.

Suddenly you realize that you haven't taken not one photo!  Eek!  How are you going to document it when it's all over?

I found some great tips from Click it up a Notch ( that I thought I would share with you:
how to photograph Christmas morning
*This post contains affiliate links. Thanks in advance for supporting Click it Up a Notch.

  • No. 01 Set your white balance.
    Don’t waste your time fixing it in PP when you can set it on your camera. Use a gray card, ExpoDisc, or Kelvins.
  • No. 02 Keep your shutter speed at least at 1/125.
    Unless you are going for a shot with motion blur in it, you want to make sure your photo isn’t blurry.
  • The odds are your room may not have enough light that early in the morning (depending on what time your kids wake up). Don’t be afraid to raise it!
    • If you are photographing more than one person, check your aperture.
      Remember lower number less in focus and higher number more is in focus.
    • No. 05 Charge your battery the night before!
      Or go ahead and treat yourself to an extra battery or even better a battery grip as an early Christmas present.
    • No. 06 Be sure to stand by the tree when the kiddos come around the corner.
      You want to make sure you capture their faces when they see everything and not be walking behind them.
    • No. 07 Don't forget to re-read Creating a Photo Essay so your pictures can tell a story.
      It’s important to use your images to tell a story. Isn’t that why we take these images? To tell the story of Christmas morning.
    • No. 08 After you have captured all the photos you want, put your camera away and enjoy your family!
      Studies show that you remember more of an event when not viewed through a viewfinder. Take the pictures you need to remember the moment. Then put your camera down, sit back and soak in all the joy around you.

      For 8 more, visit:  8-tips-for-taking-great-pictures-on-christmas-morning-childrens-portrait-photographer-scottsdale/

      Lastly, in case I don't revisit this blog before 12/25, I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Just Catching Up!

It's been almost a month since my last post, and I am sorry about that!  This time of year gets hectic for everyone - me included!  Every year, I always say to myself, "I'm not going to get caught up in the Christmas rush!" But somehow it always happens.  I was able to get some Christmas lights up  outside the house on Thanksgiving weekend but then we took a quick trip to visit my husband's family, and I have instantly fell behind.  In fact, the tree just went into the stand yesterday!

Despite all the craziness of the year, we all need to follow some tips.  Here are mine:

1.  Have a budget and a list and stick to it.  Santa has a list, and you should too.
2.  Try to buy as much as possible on-line and shop early.  Save yourself the time, headaches and feelings of stress by utilizing the Internet!
3.  Write a list of other 'stuff' you need to do and cross things off as you complete them.
4.  Break your tasks into small projects.  Instead of tackling the entire tree at once, maybe just hang the lights one night and decorate it the next.
5.  Take a break and give yourself permission to breathe.  And have a glass of wine - or your favorite beverage - and enjoy the moment.

So there you have it - a few little tips to help you relax in the 'less than 1 week' before Christmas!

Happy Holidays!

Helping You Create Meaningful Memories